Friday, July 17, 2009

5month check up

Little Miss Della is 5 months old. Weighing in at 14lbs. She's in the 95 percentile for height. Long and Lean. Oliver loves to make her laugh now. He'll dance around in front of her and pretend to fall down. He's a ham. A very active little ham! We spend lots of time trying to think of ways to "run" him. They are now sharing a room. Della sleeps in the crib and Oliver has a big boy bed. They are doing surprisingly well. We still get a few night time visitors in our bed, but I don't always mind. They take great naps during the hottest part of the day, so I usually get down for some sleep too. We have worked out a great little schedule, soon to be disrupted I'm sure in our attempt to drive from Florida to New Hampshire. A trek that could make for great or horrible memories for me and my mother. We'll let you know!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Close cousins, an update and saying bye to the baby buldge

I spent a few fast days with my sister and her beautiful daughters up in New Hamphire. Teagan and Della are just weeks apart. It excites me to think about how close they might become as they grow up. Although my sister and I weren't always best friends growing up,'cause she was older and I was annoying, we're as close as they come now! It will be so great to share all these great stages the girls will go through together. I promise Kris, we'll try not to compare too much. If Teagan walks first or Della gets boobs first, which I'm pretty sure won't be an issue for either of them to worry too much about, It'll never be a competition with us. I'm just so happy to share this wonderful adventure with my best friend!
Della is doing really well, 13lbs, all smiles and cooing away. Big brother Oliver loves to snuggle and kiss her. He wants to "holdhim" all the time. He is doing really well with her. I was so worried about all the rivalry everyone warned me about. I got it pretty good, for now! I've finally had it with the baby weight. Two years and two pregnancies have wreaked havoc on my body. I've spent the better part of the past four months stuck inside nursing. Now that I have finally have my Double jogger I can get out of the house with both kids!! I can actually exercise again. Tomorrow I rejoin my friends at Strollerfit. I can't wait to get back into shape! Bye bye forever baby weight!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Now bellies be gone!

And then there was none. Teagan Marie Nyhan was born Monday April 20th. She is beautiful. A very nice mix of Kristi and Korey. So the duel is over. Now on to the growing families! Updates to follow!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Belly to Della... and one to go...

So, yesterday was a big day for Katie... I won't fill in too many details, although maybe I should since she probably won't be blogging for awhile (just a guess). Della Autumn was born yesterday afternoon and she is beautiful! So, I guess this also means that Katie's ticker is officially off the blog. Which leaves me feeling just a little sad...and happy at the same time. We're not pregnant together anymore! No one left to commiserate with... I'm the lone blogger! Although, I'm thinking that in a few weeks this blog may naturally transform into the equally neglected "Baby Blog". I'm pretty sure that the latter may be more entertaining to read. Because, come on, who really wants to hear about my cravings for cereal & soup, insane heartburn and train wreck stretchmarks when one can read about sweet, cozy babies, spit-up and sleepless nights instead. Oh, and the pictures are so much cuter!! (See image right).
So, I feel like this is actually becoming a reality now. I can't wait for our little girls to hang out together, dress up in our old recital costumes, play in the lake up at the Fader's cottage... chase (and probably torture) Oliver and be absolutely adored by Alise. Little "T" is so looking forward to all the fun she will have with Della in the future, and I can't wait to watch those memories unfold!
In the meantime... I'm feeling pretty good. Loving my Birthing from Within and Prenatal Yoga classes and really enjoying watching the baby move when Alise reads her a story (she's going to be a fantastic big sister). Today, Korey and I start to paint the nursery. I'll post some pics when it finally comes together.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Any minute now....

Katie - February 2009

Well I had my "Baby Shower" at the beach today. Thanks to my friend Gina and Loretta. It was nice and mellow just a group of some friends and my family down here in Florida. We just came out of a really cold week, but had great weather this weekend. The sunset was great. All the kids played in the sand and the adults got to chat and have drinks. No games or opening of presents (and yes there was fried chicken Lauren) Perfect! No cutsie baby stuff, just a "Good luck in the black hole that will be your life for the next few years, see you on the other side!" Party. Thanks y'all!!
So the baby should be here any day now. I'm 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced. I'm pretty sure I can't possibly get any bigger without my stomach splitting right down the middle. Sleeping is impossible, walking hurts, sitting sucks, standing is worse. So how much longer could this suck? I'm just ready. I'm sure Scott is too, he's the one suggesting these walks and all this hot spicy food. He's no fool. He's trying to get this kid out faster than I am. We can't wait to see her little face!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sleepless in St.Pete

Katie - February 2009

38 days left, no wonder I can't sleep. My life is about to change dramatically. Having one child changes your life, yeah, but having two? You have a full blown family now. I've never been a stranger to sleepless nights. For the past two years I can count on one finger the number of nights I've slept straight through. Sleep deprivation doesn't scare me. Last night between going to the bathroom every 15 minutes,and the baby having hiccups for a good hour I paced the house. When I finally did fall asleep I woke up with the most extreme leg cramp I've ever had, my foot was stuck like a Barbie Doll's. I remember when I was pregnant with Oliver I would be up for hours the last few weeks, just up, nothing on my mind, no dishes in the sink or laundry undone. It is a good way to get you ready for the sleepless nights ahead, yeah right, if those nights were silent and calm and the air was not filled with screams of a baby and tears of a frustrated mother. I will enjoy these last few nights, even if they are restless, they will be quiet.